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Forum Posts

Trying to use SDIO interface on STM32F469I-Discovery Board and STM32CubeIDE always returning FR_DISK_ERR for both 1-bit and 4-bit SDIO modes

HI,I'm trying use SDIO interface on STM32F469I-Discovery board ​and I'm always getting FR_DISK_ERR for the command "f_open(&myfile,myPath,FA_CREATE_ALWAYS|FA_WRITE)" Same problem is observed  with 1-bit and 4-bit SDIO mode. I have enabled "Use DMA te...

SK S.1 by Associate III
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Problem with baud rate 19200 on STM32F0.

HelloI have the problem with USART baud rate in STM32F09x. I want to use baud rate: 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200bps with data length - 8 bits, parity and one stop bit. I can connect to the device at all speeds except 19200. Microcontroller uses ...

pferd by Associate III
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Internal temperature reading and DAC output

I am trying to get the temp of the internal temp sensor.. I tested on both MB1367 demo board and my own board.I use jumper to connect JP8 pin2 and pin 3 to get Vref as 3.3V. I attached the cubmx and main file of my simple code. The issue is I always...

LFu.1 by Associate II
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Add date time offset (set time Zone)

HiIam using CUBEMX and kiel for my development. iam read date time from the GSM modemwhen i read it from the modem its looks like this. +QLTS: "20/09/24,18:08:18+22,0"+22 mean my time zone(+5:30). my actual time at this time is2020:09:24 23:38:20i wi...

AAnju.1 by Associate
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STM32G4 Timer Break On Exceptions

Hello,I would like to test the behaviour of STM32G4 MCU timers on exceptions. The SYSCFG register has several options for timer break. The HAL library provides the following macros to activate these options:__HAL_SYSCFG_BREAK_ECC_LOCK();__HAL_SYSCFG_...

JVinc.1 by Associate III
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