Resolved! STM32 Self reset
Is there a way to self reset other than watchdog?Without external pull-up resistanceI want to keep the GPIO high even if the MCU performs a soft reset.Is there any way?
Is there a way to self reset other than watchdog?Without external pull-up resistanceI want to keep the GPIO high even if the MCU performs a soft reset.Is there any way?
Is there anyway we can decrease this time. We are using void DMA2_Channel2_IRQHandler(void) and void DMA2_Channel1_IRQHandler(void). Both RX and Tx callbacks are not firing and really not able to debug this issue. Looking forward to a solution. ...
Posted on September 07, 2013 at 05:41Hi All,I am having an issue with I2C transmission on the STM32F4. After successfully transmitting an address byte with values of 0xE.. , the ADDR bit (Address Transmission Complete) in the SR1 register is set.How...
I want to capture the interrupt and increment the counter but don't want to disturb the sleep cycle. Is there anyway to capture the interrupt without disturbing the sleep cycle
Hi, all , i tried to connect a blue pill board to my pc via usb but i cant seem to get the connection to stick , i dont want to use stm cube and want to do it with raw code, is there anything in the datasheet that yo ucould highlight for clarity?
Hi everyone,I am having the biggest of issues when it comes to getting the MCLK on the STM32 working with a FWS = 192kHz.I followed the Clock generator cheat sheet in the reference manual and still not working.The SCLK and FWS are working perfectly a...
i have generated the code from STM32CubeMX for OctoSPI, but not able to establish communication with NOR Flash.It get stuck at following line "if (HAL_OSPIM_Config(&hospi1, &OSPIM_Cfg_Struct, HAL_OSPI_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT_VALUE) != HAL_OK)" and goes to ha...
I ordered a EVAL robot kit-1 from STM and im trying to connect the motor to a MODBUS software. I used ICC MODBUS MASTER application. There is a problem with the holding registers. NO OTHER VALUE than 4 for the Target position in degrees (least signif...
I tried generating a file from CubeMx and leave the main empty (it is only toggling 2 GPIO pins every 500ms). The blips are still there. The MCU is powered from a 3V3 LDO for VDD and VDDA (VDDA also has an RC filter of 0.5Ω-2.1μF in line), while the ...