I have configured my stm32g031 mcu as an i2c slave. My PC terminal is my master device and is connected to mcu via FTDI cable. When I do a i2c write, I can see mcu receives the data. But when I do an i2c read, I can see it reads 255 on my pc terminal...
I have a straightforward question regarding the DWT counter. I am using the DWT->CYCCNT counter to count clock cycle differences in the STM32L431CC, and I noticed that CYCCNT is 32-bits wide. If I were to use HSI16 as my internal clock source, the CY...
Hi, I am looking for MCU which support 1.8 V GPIO and 3.3 V GPIO,My target is about 20 pin 1.8 V GPIO and about 10 pin 3.3 GPIO.After my search, I think STM32F0x8 can meet my requirement.I want to know are there STM32 low power series MCU or STM32 Hi...
hi, I'm developing software with IDE IAR for ARM using STM32H745XI.I would like to ask you, if possible, how to create a dual-core project without going through STM32CubeMX on IAR IDE by loading all drivers for both ARM (CMSIS) and ST HAL drivers wit...
On STM32L4Cube v1.16.0 the RCC_HSICALIBRATION_DEFAULT is set to 0x40, but was 0x10 with v1.15.1 HAL versions. My UART module is using the HSI, hence I need quite precise frequency and it was alright with v1.15.1 (around 0.1% accurate), but after I h...
At the moment we are struggling to get hold of any STM32G030F6's but we can get hold of STM32G031F6 chips. I've done an CUBE generation in the same pinout as the STM32G030F6 project and compared between the two projects and it looks to me that as lo...
When I transmit more than 64 bytes data then its working fine and received upto 64 bytes data its working fine. I read some Documents On internet but not got clearwhen I pass 100 bytes of data from host so its not working.#define USB_HS_MAX_PACKET_SI...
Using a Nucleo STM32F091RC board, I have configured the ADC to measure all channels in a sequence, i.e. all 10 ADC pins that particular chip has, and the 3 internal ones: temperature, vrefint, vbat.I calibrated the ADC, waited the time before enablin...
I'm developing a prototyping board based on STM32 MCU.I want to integrate on the board an st-link probe for easy debug.Is possible integrate an st link probe into a custom prototyping board for example uploading the st-link firmware into an STM...