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Hi All,When I try to boot the M7 core alone and I disabled the M4 core. I create a simple stm32Cube project, the code stuck at:while(!__HAL_PWR_GET_FLAG(PWR_FLAG_VOSRDY)) {}inside the SystemClock_Config() function. The VOSRDY will set only when I cha...
When I use .ioc file to generate the codes, it delete the entire project folder (include git information). Looks like I lose all the commits I haven't pushed to github. WTH is that.
Hi,I am trying to use DMA to realize uncertain length uart message receiving on STM32H745i-DISCO board (on core CM7). My idea is to used IDLE interrupt and then disable the DMA_stream, get the NDTR register and abort the transfer to trigger the DMA T...
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