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Forum Posts

Code does not execute until ST board manually reset.

I wrote a simple LED blink program using STM32F767zi board. It works properly when I use STLink debugger. but the problem is when I remove the STLink and connect the board directly to an external power source, the code does not execute until I manua...

KMale.1 by Associate II
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Nested interrupts STM32L4

Hello,I have an interrupt driven I2C which is working fine. I know that this is not very clean design but I need to execute few I2C transactions from a button interrupt handler (EXTI9_5_IRQn). I have set the priority of the EXTI9_5_IRQn 1 and the pri...

dpn by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32L151CCT6 nRST is floating ?!

Hello developers, I have three custom pcbs. The heart of all pcbs is the STM32L151CCT6 µC in LQFP48 Package. I connected all supply pins (VLCD, VDDA, VDD_x to 3.3V; VSS_x to ground). The BOOT0 pin is connect to gnd with an 20k pull-down resistor. The...

TJ1999 by Associate II
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CAN-BUS Rx callback triggered infinitely many times.

Dear community,I have setup a can-bus system between two devices where: the first transmits a message on button press using HAL_CAN_AddTxMessage, the other one receives the message using a callback interrupt. However, the following problem arises: on...

KMoe.1 by Associate
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HAL Library Migration to SPL Library

Dear All,Am converting one code from HAL Library to SPL Library.In same am using SPI BUS , for it one of function is used which is as mentioned below:-" HAL_SPI_Transmit(&_W25QXX_SPI,pBuffer,NumByteToWrite_up_to_PageSize,100); "Same i wanted to conve...

RKade.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! DMA's CT register is not changing after conversion

Hello,I'm trying to get multi-buffer DMA on ADC working. I modified `HAL_ADC_Start_DMA` function to use `HAL_DMAEx_MultiBufferStart_IT`instead of `HAL_DMA_Start_IT.But for some reason, M0 Completion Callback is executed multiple times before switchin...