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STM32G474 MCU port protection

Hi Folks,Greetings!At my end have a STM32G474 HRTIM output driving a MOSFET gate driver such as IR2110.In some weird cases encountered, when the MOSFET blows up, it takes away with it thegate driver as well.Not in all cases, but in some situations, I...

UART interrupt not working properly on STM32H753 MCU?

I am using STM32H753 MCU. I generated my code using STM32Cube. The UART is configured to work on interrupt, baud rate is 19200. I sent 'A' many time but most of the time I am receiving "C1" in hex instead of "41" ('A' in ASCII).When I analyzed the da...

Akash_k by Associate III
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STM32H753 ADC auto calibration not working properly?

I am using STM32H753 MCU. I am using ADC1 and ADC2 and calibrated the ADC offset using auto calibration function. But this function is not working properly. I am getting a difference of 50 counts on subsequent starts of my device. I checked this by g...

Akash_k by Associate III
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Errors in STM32F446RE datasheet

Refer to section 3.23 on PDF page 32, it says:"The devices embed four universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver transmitters (USART1, USART2, USART3 and USART6) and four universal asynchron...

JArmi.1 by Associate II
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