I closed out of my project last night, and tried opening it today and kept having it just freeze on the homepage of the STM32cubeide. I even tried creating a new project and nothing. I even tried reinstalling but still same error. When I try to close...
I tried adding this to the linker file/* used by the startup to initialize data */ _sidata_RAM_D3 = LOADADDR(.data_RAM_D3); /* Initialized data sections goes into RAM_D3, load LMA copy after code */ .data_RAM_D3 : { . = ALIGN(4); _sdata_RAM_D3 = ....
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "main.h"
#include "pdm2pcm.h"
/* Private includes ----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
Currently I am just trying to share some data between cores, and right now I'm just trying to send a constant value to confirm operation.I have this code located in a file called share.h,typedef struct {
// shared data goes here
int16_t data;
I completely understand this, but I thought doing the ALIGN_32BYTES (uint16_t pdmBuffer[AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE]) __attribute__((section(".RAM_D3")));would make sure to correct this. I've never messed around with the linker before, do you have any document...
Wait, is it because of S0M0AR? I thought me doing the alignment and attribute would prevent the peripheral from placing data at location 0x2xxxxxx. Why is it not taking the place of SRAM3?