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Hello everyone,I am trying to use USB on the STM32 NUCLEO-L4RZI-P dev board to work as a Communication device class (CDC).I have initialized the USB using the Cube IDE.After initializing, I tried sending data using the " CDC_Transmit_FS( buffer, size...
Hello everyone,I have recently started working with a Nucleo board based on STM32L4R5. IDE: STM32CubeIDE and the HAL drivers.I am trying to use the USB on the Nucleo board as OTG(both Host and Device depending on the connection). I am not found any e...
Hello everyone,Dev Board based on STM32L4R5I am just trying to erase and then write something on the internal FLASH.I am trying to follow the example:
Hello Everyone,I am currently working with a dev board based on STM32L4R5 using STM32CubeIDE , HAL libraries and FreeRTOS.Project: UART2 initialized using the code generator:Added __HAL_UART_ENABLE_IT() after initialization.Along with this disabled ...
Hello Everyone,Hope all are doing well.I am currently working with a board based on STM32L4R5 in FreeRTOS environment.I have two UARTS and some GPIO connected.I have one task monitoring the UART data. Both UART have an associated ISRThese ISR place t...
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