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Hi,I am trying to wake up the MCU from STOP mode. I am able to do so for either the UART or the GPIO interrupt but not both. It seems I have to disable the UART to get the GPIO to work but then of course I cannot get the UART wake code to work.Is the...
Hi,I am using the MX Cube example in STM32Cube_FW_L0_V1.12.0\Projects\32L0538DISCOVERY\Examples\UART\LPUART_WakeUpFromStop.I have modified it to use the STM32L0538NUCLEO BSP and to use USART2.I had to add a HAL_SuspendTick in order to get into STOP m...
Posted on May 02, 2018 at 14:30Hi all,I am using the STM32L151RCTxA MCU with STM32CUBEMX.I have configured FREERTOS, a UART using DMA and tickless IDLE.I am attempting to run my MCU in low power mode.My first misunderstanding is how to get the MCU t...