In my STM32F091 project, the Debug build works all just fine.Release build does not.So I kept -O2 to keep the behavior, but added -g3 to be able to debug.Fixed a couple typical bugs like a forgotten volatile on an ISR-accessed flag etc.Now I get a HA...
Hi,I am using SPI1 and interrupt are enabled in this functionvoid HAL_SPI_MspInit(SPI_HandleTypeDef* hspi) { ........................ /* SPI1 interrupt Init */ HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(SPI1_IRQn, 0, 0); HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ(SPI1_IRQn); /*...
Hello Community,I use the IWDG of a STM32F429. My application is relatively simple. Two valves are controlled and data is sent via UART (non-blocking). Nevertheless, I notice at random times a reset of the controller by the watchdog. The window watch...
On the latest version of CubeIDE, using CubeMX and HAL libraries, I am completely unable to get any response out of the I2C hardware. With the pins directly connected to a logic analyser, they stay low when using HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit or HAL_I2C_Me...
Posted on June 04, 2018 at 15:17hello dear forum,I used to buy STM32 F103 mcus from my countries biggest supplierthis IC below is 5,- USD there now becouse of competition I need more cheap products and I imported this below IC for 2,35 USD from Chin...
I am following the tutorial for memory to peripheral (UART) from Digikey @ 6:00 and ending @ 10:00 minutes inThe tu...
I have a board with a CAN transceiver connected to a STM32G473RE using PA8 and PA15 for RX and TX. When I configure the GPIO for PA15 into AF11 to enable the CAN module, I lose connection with my STLink debugger. (I am using the STLink built into a N...
When I use the TIM1 peripheral of the STM32F103ZET6 chip, when using the flip mode, OC1M = OC2M = 3, ARR = 300, CCR1 = 150, CCR2 = 300, but the first edge is all output high at the same time, theoretically The OC1 channel will output the high level a...