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Forum Posts

Why the STM32F0 and STM32F1 Many MCUs out of stock?

Hello there. For some time now, STM32F0 and STM32F1 series many MCUs have been experiencing stock problems.  STM32F030, STM32F042, STM32F072 and STM32F103 series many mcu have stock problems. It seems that there is no stock at suppliers like Digikey,...

FYOL.1 by Associate II
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MATLAB Simulink support packages for ST MCU's

In MATLAB Simulink 2020b Software, I saw that support packages are available for STM32 F4, STM32F746G, STM32F769I; But in this document, "", it is mentioned, the following controller...

VVija.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! What pins are available for GPIO on STM32F429I-DISCO?

My initial thought was that while some pins are connected to other peripherals on the discovery board, that they may still be used for GPIO. Is this true, or can a pin not be used for GPIO if connected to a peripheral, even if that peripheral is not ...

MChap.1 by Associate
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Resolved! NSS the output ignores the settings, and according to the waveform, the outputs are in the hiz state, because you can see the leads that are not damped by pressing to the ground. (STM32F303)

NSS the output ignores the settings, and according to the waveform, the outputs are in the hiz state, because you can see the leads that are not damped by pressing to the ground. (STM32F303)   //   Bit 4 FRF: Frame format   //   0: SPI Motorola mode ...

Resolved! STM32H7 (dual core) ADC1/2/3 ressource split

Hello,I have one question regarding the ADC1/2/3 cores for the STM32H7 (dual core solution). Let's say, I would like to split few ADC channels between both ADC cores and Cortex cores. Is it possible to assin channels 1,2,3 for ADC1 core (regular grou...

PButc.1 by Associate II
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PWM Timer and GPIO level

Hello,I'm using a STM32F091 with TIM2 configured in PWM mode.(and CH1-CH2 connected to an output)After some hundreads of milliseconds, I have to stop the PWM by setting CCRx at 0. And reenable later.So far so good.But to improve my working, I would t...

PCu1 by Senior
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Can't access STM32L552 after setting SRAM2-RST to 0

I've been trying to run the SBSFU example from STM32Cube_FW_L5_V1.2.0.The option bytes I set initially were:TZEN=1DBANK=1 (was already 1)SECWM1_PSTRT=0x0 and SECWM1_PEND=0x7fSECWM2_PSTRT=0x1 and SECWM2_PEND=0x0.That allowed me to load SBSFU bootloade...

tosa by Associate
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Typo in several documents (wait sates)

I came across "wait sates" (with missing "t") in RM0316 rev.8, but just for the laugh I threw it into google ("wait+sates" ), and... lo and behold, this appears to be a quite often repeated typo, at least...