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Earlier I used the STM32CUBEIDE 1.7.0 version it works fine then I update it to 1.8.0 then I faced an issue while debugging it showing an Error in the final launch sequence:Failed to start GDB serverFailed to start GDB serverjava.lang.NullPointerExce...
I am trying to generate hex file for my boot loader. I need a fix length hex file for my boot loader. I tried arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O srec --srec-len 0x10 ${ProjName}.elf ${ProjName}.srec;arm-none-eabi-objcopy -I srec -O ihex ${ProjName}.srec ${Proj...
I created a two task one is for my gsm modem communication through uart and another task is for Bluetooth communication through uart, gam modem communication task is stuck while bluetooth communication task receive data cintinuously.How to resolve t...
I am trying to develop a boot-loader for STM32H7xx micro-controller. For that i need a hex file of my program, i am using STM32CUBEIDE for that but the problem is that my generated hex file length is not same some line is short but i need fixed lengt...
Hi , I am trying to develop the external loader for W25Q128JV flash interfaced with STM32h750vb through QSPI. I have tested each function for its operation in STM32CUBE_IDE.But i am not able to get the External loader to work it cannot read write or ...