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Forum Posts

Resolved! i2c initialization issue in stm32f469i_Discovery

It is developing products using stm32f469i_Discovery.The stm32f469i_Discovery board is intended to be used with DS3231.It was connected to I2C1 for I2C communication.I2C1 initialization runs on MX_I2C1_Init();In this function, It is developing produc...

PKunK.1 by Associate III
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I2C2 Stops working after Power Supply Reset

Hi All,I'm using an NUCLEO-F103RB with STM32F103RBBasically when I run the code or debug the CODE with the IDE every works fine.But if unplugged the STM from the computer and plug it again the code stays stuck.After the power supply reset is getting ...

JMart.12 by Associate
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Capture Control Auto Reload Register Interrupt Flag

Hello,i want to measure time between high and low pulse from a ultrasonic sensor. The time is set to 1ms. It works until i reach the end of the time ARR. To differentitat betwenn a distance like 1cm and 11cm (10cm end of the counter) i have to count...

GIkar by Associate III
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Problems with STM32L0 Basic ADC Operation

I am having trouble getting the ADC to work right in basic polled operation. I am polling two channels which provide voltages via resistor dividers. I have measured the voltages at the ADC inputs and they are correct so I do not believe the divider i...

RSoen.1 by Associate III
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