2021-05-14 10:43 PM
I'm using stm32f070c6. When pulling up 'BOOT0' with 10kΩ to VCC(3.3V) , I'm able to run my code on my custom designed board using STM32CUBEIDE.
When I press RST or power cycle board, nothing runs. This is expected right? Since I'm in Bootloader mode.
1) Here is the issue. When pull 'BOOT0' to ground through 10kΩ, I can program the device only once and if I try to reprogram thereafter, I get the 'no target found error'. No code runs on the device. I do see the current of the device increase to a level similar when code is running when in Boot0=vcc mode.
State 2) I then set Boot0 back to VCC and I'm able to debug and run code again. If I open STM32CubeProgrammer, I'm able to erase the chip completely.
I then put the device back to State 1) again have the same issue. I'm able to connect and program once only with no code running. I'm unable to get anything to work when Boot0 is at GND.
Notes: In STM32CUBEMX, 'Debug' is set to 'Serial Wire'
In the data sheet i studied as boot0 connected to vcc means the code loaded into system memory , connected to GND means code loaded into main flash memory
if anyone have an idea please give a reply
thanks in advance
2021-05-15 12:32 AM
After programming, try to power-cycle the device.
2021-05-15 3:02 AM
Is NRST connected on your debug/programming interface?
Likely to have connectivity issues if your code goes into low power mode, clocks slowly, or reconfigures the debugger pins.
2021-05-15 3:20 AM
Thanks for your reply @Community member , yes I have connected the NRST on my programming interface. I have recheck with pin connections
2021-05-16 7:02 AM
Not pin connections, but what happens within your code as execution proceeds.
Have a long delay at the beginning of main(), or earlier, to allow the debugger to connect.
Make sure Error_Handler() and HardFault_Handler() output some useful information, or set LEDs or GPIOs
Have some indication your code entered, and how far it gets, use GPIO and UART to show progress.