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Forum Posts

Clock configuration when executing program from boot.

I have a question about clock config.Is this a right way to execute program from boot and set clock config like HSE and PLL, then execute program from user app and set clock config again? Actually, there is an error when executing user app.It seems ...

HEhat.1 by Associate II
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STM32F429 USART baudrate max rate

Hi allI used STM32F429 connected with LTE module by USART3,but I can only set the baudrate 230600. If I set 460800 or 921600,MCU can't transmit or receive data from LTE.How can I set the baudrate over 230600??void uart_init() { UART3_Handler.Instanc...

YChen.51 by Associate II
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Trying to setup DMA for I2C on STM32L4R

Hi,I'm trying to set up DMA transfers for I2C sensors on STM32L4R9 MCU.I've followed the documentation and analyzed the HAL implementation, but the DMA channel IRQ handler is never triggered.Here's the specific sequence of steps that I'm performing:F...

MGode by Associate
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WWDG interrupt(EWI) is not getting while writing Flash

Hi ,I am in STM32L071CZ and using window WDG EWI to refresh the WDG counter to avoid RESET.window = 127Counter = 127Prescaler 8Enabling the EWI and reloading the wdg counter in the ISR to avoid the RESET by WWDG.But while writing Flash it seems the W...

SN by Associate II
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QSPI Problem with AutoPolling with MX25L512 nor flash

Hi,I'm trying to implement Macronix MX25L512 with STM32L476, FATFS and USB MSC.I don't understand why but AutoPolling function timeout.According to the code below, QSPI_Driver_init() is the first function called. QSPI_ResetMemory return QSPI_OK, but ...

ACHAB.1 by Associate
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Can I join a later workshop?

We (Steven Burck and Haim Kleinman) have prepared the setups for tomorrows workshops, however, Steven is quarantined till next week and won't be able to make it, and Haim will not arrive to the site until 10AM CET. We have a third engineer who was p...

SBurc by Associate II
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Register confusion on stm32f401RE

I am having a but of an issue with setting the registers to portA directly using its address.I am doing this for demonstration/learning purposes. I am using the STM32F401RE board.When I read the datasheet it says that GPIO PORT starts on register ->0...

CMcC.1 by Associate II
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