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Hello,I am trying to recognize a number sent to USART:If I send '123' over USART to MCU then MCU receives only '3' (the last character). Variable recv has uint8_t (unsigned integer) type. How could I receive the complete number ('123')?I am using STM...
Hello,I am using STM32L011 MCU and STM32CubeIDE environment. After generating project with CubeMX and even deleting initializations in main function, 'Build analyzer' section shows that 76 % of RAM memory (of total 2KB) is used. What might consume so...
Hello,I would like to have timer interrupts every 10 minutes for temperature readings. Also, I would like to have opportunity to change this period in the code. How could such long period be implemented? Are there any examples? I am using STM32L011F4...
Hello,I am using STM32L0 MCU and trying to write a code which would include: Periodically transmitting data1 to UART.Constantly waiting for data2 (period value) from UART. If data2 (period value) is received from UART, change value of data1 transmiss...
Hello,I am experiencing some problems when trying to receive data from PC using UART and then check if it is correct. I am using using LL API and this code is placed in while(1) of main function. For example, when I send 'A' from PC to STM32, PC rece...