Dear all,I have 2 MODBUS 485 ports, one in UART1, the another in UART3, both in DMA mode.Testing frame collisions with Docklight I see the function HAL_UART_ErrorCallback called with an Error code of 1 (Parity error), 8(Overrin error) or 11 (Parity+N...
Hi,I have got confused in knowing how to actually register a User call back function for Transfer complete event in UART. I am using DMA. To give an idea on what I am doing, below re the lines that I have added in my code.void TxComplete_Callback(str...
I've never noticed this problem before. I am using v9.3.0 which has always worked previously, I have not knowingly changed anything. I have tried running as administrator, tried at home and work. Is there anything else I can try?
Hi, I want to make a bridge between 2 CAN BUSes with STM32F4. I am trying to listen of interrupts of both CAN on HAL_CAN_RxFifo0MsgPendingCallback and receive a message and send it to another CAN, but it seems that I only receive CAN1 interrupt. CAN2...
Hello,I need to find a solution to generate a pulse through a GPIO...To generate a bit 0, I need to send a level HIGH of 300 ns following by a level LOW of 900 ns minimum.To generate a bit 1, I need to send a level HIGH of 900 ns following by a level...
I am using stm32f429zi discovery board.When I am trying to use SPI peripheral, one bit shift in MOSI is observed with respect to Clock.It is tested in all modes of SPI, still getting the same result in oscilloscope. We are not able to understand this...
Working on a bootloader on the STM32F745 and starting from example code there was the function call CPU_CACHE_Enable.In the original examples, this is called right at the start of main(). I had moved this function call later as I (thought) I wanted t...
Hello,In my project, I sample the ADCs ( ADC1 & ADC2 ) every 1 millisecond. My ADC configuration :VREF = 3VFADC == 8M Prescaler = divide by 83 channels for each ADCSample time - 64.6 cyclesIn order to test my ADC driver, I inject 1HZ sinus. to 1 of ...
Hello,I have a board that use STM32F072C8T6TR reference. After severel weeks of normal use, the STM32 on some boards are not responding anymore. I tried to access the STM32 with STlink Probe, ore by using internal Bootlaoder, without success. After i...