Hi,I am reading value of SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF to be "1073741824". How do I interpret the value of VREFINT_RDYF from the value I am reading?
Hi,I am reading value of SYSCFG_CFGR3_VREFINT_RDYF to be "1073741824". How do I interpret the value of VREFINT_RDYF from the value I am reading?
Hi everyone, we have a problem using LPTIM4 PWM output on STM32H747I-DISCO when system enters STOP mode.In this project, I need two independent PWM outputs with fixed frequency to work, while system goes to STOP mode to save power. LPTIM1_OUT & LPTIM...
Hi everyone,So, i would like to test SPI1 communication on my stm32F103, using just the clock and MOSI line by sending 0x55 data on MOSI line , but when i see the traces on logic analyzer, i'm getting a weird values !as seen in this capture picture, ...
I am trying to emit data on SPI MOSI without enabling the corresponding SCK pin. This is useful for instance to control WS2812-type LEDs.However when I use `HAL_SPI_Transmit_IT` to transfer 3 words, the IRQ Handler gets called 3 times (triggered by ...
Hi!I'm using an ADC line of the STM32 MCU to read battery voltage that goes from 6.7V to 8.4V.The battery voltage is given to the MCU via a divider (by 4, so the maximum voltage given to the ADC line of the MCU will be 2.1V).I wanted to know, if ther...
Hello, We are currently working on touch sensing in STM32L1V8XA Microcontroller Below are the queries :1) How to get started with cap sense touch key in STM32L1V8XA Microcontroller. Do we need to use STMTouch touch-sensing library
/** ****************************************************************************** * @file 01_Transmitter/main.c * @author MCD Application Team * @version V1.2.0 * @date 19-June-2015 * @brief This code example shows how to confi...
Hello, I use STM32L476 for very low power project. I also use an external RTC because it is temperature-compensated. My question is : What is the best way to backup some bytes whitout RTC backup registers in order to enter in shutdown mode.I had the ...