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i'm trying to communicate with a Wifi module (esp8266) using STM32F103, on keil IDE. As described in the schematic : i want making my stm32 send AT command to esp8266 through usart1 (Tx1), and getting the esp response (Rx1), then display the esp resp...
Hi,i come up with my question related to I2C communication using stm32F103,I would like to interface my I2C LCD (slave) with MCU ( master), but i have a problem with the Transmit sequencei have configured the GPIO's PB6 (SCL) and PB7(SDA) as open dra...
I am developing a bare-metal project using the stm32F103 MCU, under Keil Uvision IDE,I am not able to print the float values (from the temperature sensor), but it works fine with an integer.Is there a method to use ,? I tried to implement another pri...
Hi everyone,So, i would like to test SPI1 communication on my stm32F103, using just the clock and MOSI line by sending 0x55 data on MOSI line , but when i see the traces on logic analyzer, i'm getting a weird values !as seen in this capture picture, ...
Hi,I would like to design a debug LEDs for UART/I2C communication (STM32F103), the purpose is just to see wether the communication is working or not, through a LED, here is my schematic, My questions are : 1) what is exactly the output voltage on Tx ...
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