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Hi I am currently working on a project where I have to implement an Ethernet Driver. below is my code.I am trying to send ARP packets to my directly connected laptop without expecting response (Rx is not used). Code runs without MAC controller and DM...
Hi I am currently working on a project where I have to implement TCP/IP stack on STM32F429ZI 144 pin nucleo board. Board has PHY chip.My question is how does the MAC controller knows when a jabber or collision event occurs since these events are hand...
Hi I am trying to read ID of an external FLASH.The code which reads it is shown below.uint16_t FLASH_ReadID(void) { uint16_t tempData = 0x0000;   //Read ID GPIOB->BSRR |= GPIO_BSRR_BR2; //Reset FLASH CS while(!(SPI1->SR & SPI_SR_TXE)); SPI1->DR ...
Hi. I was trying to test my code to see if I have enough stack. I realized in my project's .ld file stack size is defined as: _Min_Heap_Size = 0x200;_Min_Stack_Size = 0x400;However, I tried to test this to see if stm32cubeide gives error when I tried...
Hi I am working on a small project where I need to sample couple of ADC channels.I am using STM32F405RG. ADC1 is running in continuous and scan mode with DMA. I am using ping pong buffers to send ADC data through USART. After gathering some data I pl...