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Forum Posts

STM32G071 write protection, bricked MCU flash

Hello, MCU bricked after I tried to remove write protection. Now when I read the flash it shows only 0xFFFF0080. Read the full description bellow. We are making new project using STM32G071.We use serial communication custom bootloader so we can updat...

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SAlek by Associate II
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DMA unexpected work on stm32g071

i want to use dma ch2 to response a request of Req_CC3 to load a new value to TIM1 CCR1 or CCR2 . i need dma in some turns but not always so i choose nomal mode. i'd like to know if dma request is  accumulated in stack or somewhere. caus...

rpip.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! Is it possible to trigger serially using timers.

For example, there are 3 timers (Timer 1, 2, 3).I want to set like below: Timer 1 : MasterTimer 2 : Slave of Timer1Timer 3 : Slave of Timer2When I checked the waveform after setting similarly to the above, it seemed that timer2 could not trigger time...

SPark.28 by Associate II
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Resolved! IWDG reset

Hi,I use STM32L496RGT6 with own bootloader. If I start IWDG in bootloader and periodically reset it it is work good. If I jump to application and call HAL_IWDG_Refresh(..), function doesn't refresh IWDG and IWDG reset mcu. I tried call MX_IWDG_Init()...

lorant124 by Associate III
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'Black Pill' HID gamepad (newbie)

I just bought a 'black pill' STM32F411CE. My goal is to create a HID joystick/gamepad device. While I have been a Software Developer for over 30 years (mostly Windows end-user apps), these boards are completely new to me. So please understand my igno...

CCurl.1 by Associate
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