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Hi,I'm trying to develop a program on a NUCLEO-L4R5ZI-P to write/read data from a S27K0641 (HYPERRAM) and S26K128 (HYPERFLASH). First I choosed to use only Indirect mode to access the memory. Is it the best option?Then, there are a lot of options ava...
Hi,I'm trying to configure manually OCTOSPI registers in order to implement Hyperbus protocol but when I try to write registers it has no effect...I'm using that command: OCTOSPI1->CR = OCTOSPI1->CR | (0x1 << 0);But the register keep it's value 0.
Hi,I have really hard time to develop an Hyperbus protocol application on NUCLEO-L4R5ZI-P, the instruction is sent but the data are sent in a non-periodic sequence and DQS doesn't rise at the good time.Is there someone who has develop the most simple...
I saw that Hyperbus protocol with differential clock (1.8V) is not available on STM3L4R5ZIT6P, but Hyperbus protocol with single-ended clock(3.3V) is. My question is : is the Nucleo -L4R5ZI-P board supporting Hyperbus protocol with single-ended clock...
My purpose is to send an "HELLO" using a NUCLEO-L4R5ZI-P board trough HYPERBUS.On the STM32CubeIDE, I configurated OCTOSPI1 peripherial and I/O associated./* USER CODE END Header */ /* Includes -------------------------------------------------------...