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Forum Posts

Can't set Option Byte with the attached function for the Micro STM32L151CBT6A Only when the controller is new from factory. If we erase and reset the option bytes the STM32 afterwards new flashing it works.

void init_OptionByte (void){    FLASH->SR |= FLASH_SR_WRPERR ;     // l�sche bestehende Fehler    FLASH->SR |= FLASH_SR_PGAERR ;     // l�sche bestehende Fehler    FLASH->SR |= FLASH_SR_SIZERR ;     // l�sche bestehende Fehler    FLASH->SR |= FLASH_S...

Resolved! Does STM32L4 boost mode affect reliability?

We are using an STM32L4R5VIT6 in a medical design and would like to run at 120MHz. The documentation refers to "boost" mode as "overvolting" which sounds dangerous to my manager. I assume there is no reliability impact in using boost mode, but would ...

JMcGa.1 by Associate
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Resolved! Vector Table Offset Register behaviour

I'm using a STM32F401 that has its FLASH located at address 0x08000000.I'm trying to use the Vector Table Offset Register. I need to put the Vector Table at address 0x0800C000.My first question would be what do I need to put in VTOR?0x0800C000 (absol...

EGonc.1 by Associate II
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Dear Sir or Madame, We are currently developing an application where the current consumption is very limited. We are using a "STM32L4S5VIT" Especially at the beginning( Boot process) the current consumption is very high.

What are the possibilities t reduce the current cosumption at the beginning. Can you give me some information about basic mechanisms to throttle the required power especially in the boot process. Is there a documentation available regarding to this ...

JBeez.1 by Associate
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Stuck at faults in CPU registers

Hi,Can somebody help me to understand the below thing?How to detect CPU registers stuck at faults? If CPU registers are stuck at fault, How can instruction send/stored in that register will be the actual one? I mean to test CPU register stuck at faul...

Anitha by Associate III
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STM32F4 I2C - is it possible for slave MCU device I2C interface to stop functioning while the rest of the I2C master MCU and attached devices carry on communicating happily?

I have an STM32F401 MCU acting as a master on its I2C1 port linked to a slave STM32F407 MCU, and a couple of DIO expanders (PCF8575). After a random period of between minutes and days the Master appears to stop updating the Slave MCU but continues to...