Dear Sir/madam,We are using Serial RTC chip(M41T93ZMY6F) in one of our application. In the datasheet,it is given as the RTC chip can be operated in the range of -40 deg C to +85 deg C.During Low temperature (-10 deg C), vacuum condition (5*10^-5 bar)...
Offset values shown in Table 84 are out of range according to Table 1.Also, "Address offset" of each COMP registers is different from the table.Section 10.1 says that the assignment of DMAMUX request multiplexer outputs to DMA controller channels is ...
Hi,I am using an STM32L010 and want to operate it in low power mode. The way the firmware works is I start the LPTIM2 with interrupt every 1 second and then go back to sleep once ISR is serviced. Right now the ISR just has a variable that acts a coun...
Hello,I enter stop mode using HAL_PWR_EnterSTOPMode and the processor come out of this function immediately and does not wait for any external interrupt. can someone help me on this?
I just started using CubeIde but using Cube examples gives a lot errors. Should I just copy all the .H and .C files (from where?) somewhere or is there a better way.I have 32H750 and 32F746 Discovery boards and my own boards.
Hello,I am trying to get the UART to transmit some bytes with DMA. Nothing happens. RCC->APB2ENR |= (uint32_t)((1<<14)|(1<<2)); // Bit 14 USART1 clock enable & Bit 2 I/O port A clock enable GPIOA->BRR = (1<<10); // pull-down PA.10 GPIOA->...
Let's say I want this function to be within my library:// library function float mili ( unsigned x) { return x/1000.0 } // main function int main (void) { float volatile tt; unsigned t; for (;;) { t = HAL_GetTick(); while (...