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Current consumption of individual peripherals in STM32G070


I was referring to data sheet of the STM32G070 to figure out the current consumption of individual peripherals to finally calculate the power consumption of those peripherals. The following table from page 50 of the document gives those details.

0693W00000BaTy6QAF.pngRange 1 and range 2 are High-performance and Low-power voltage ranges respectively.

I have a few questions regarding the table:

  1. Is the frequency mentioned in the unit uA/Mhz the frequency of the corresponding bus clock (Example PCLK or HCLK)? Also, if I'm using a separate clock for the perpheral will the total current consumption depend on the frequency of that separate clock?, for example, instead of PCLK if I use SYSCLK or LSI for UART the total current consumption of the UART will depend on the frequency of that selected clock?
  2. Does the internal configurations (Example, use of FIFO), transfer rates or bauds rate of a communication peripheral has less impact on the power/current consumption of that peripheral, because the table mentions no relation with those details?
