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STM32H7B0 starting MDMA fails to unexpected IRQ (WWDG)

Dear,We use the STM32H7B0 100 pins version.The MPU, ICACHE, DCACHE are disabledWe will use a MDMA to copy some data from one to another place.Therefore we had try an example to understand the configuration.We had use a part of example:   https://gith...

OGhis by Senior
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Linker Configuration IAR Setting

Hello,Getting above error if trying to debug and download code in IAR. is there any specific setting required for loader or linker configuration.Controller : STM32H745XI External flash : MTQL512ABB Please find linker details below:  /*###ICF### Secti...

Gajanan by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32 Nucleo H7A3ZI board UART Issue

Hi Community, I am facing very basic issue. My UART in H7A3ZI Nucleo 144 board is not displaying correctly on terminal.  My UART Setting:  huart3.Instance = USART3; huart3.Init.BaudRate = 115200; huart3.Init.WordLength = UART_WORDLENGTH_8B; huart...

mahmanish by Associate II
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The configuration:STLINK-V3SETConnected the two PCBs together via the three connectors (page 11).Attached jumper JP7 CAN_ON on MB1440 PCB (page 18).(STLINK-V3SET pages 17 & 23) & (NUCLEO-H723ZG page 37) & (Bootloader AN page 199) & (STM32H723 Manual ...

KoS by Associate
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Watchdog timer selection for Project

Hi,I am using STM32G491RE for my product. I want to implement watchdog timer functionality. In the data sheet we have IWDT and WWDT. Which one is best for real time products and I am using HSE for clock. I am planning to use watch dog timer reset tim...

Resolved! H563 will have Hardfault when enable SRAM3 ECC

I am using the Nucleo board (H563) to test the SRAM ECCI have create a new project by board selector.Just have several printf function at main to print out to the SWO.It is working well without setting the SRAM ECC enable.However, once set the SRAM3 ...

JFung.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H7 USB Device configurate without USB interrupter

 CubeMX generated a example for USB CDC, and with HAL_PCD_IRQHandler.Now I want use polling method to initial USB,and communicate with host without USB interrupt.So how can I modify it?I had tried to do something ,but it not work.Please help me.1.  d...