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After a central device has made a succesful conection to my peripheral device (BLUENRG-LPS), I want to advertise ADV_NONCONNECTABLE / SCANABLE advertisements. void Ble_AdvNonConnectable( void ){       volatile tBleStatus ret = BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS;    ...
Hi,I am stuck on this issue on the STM32U5A9J-DK. I have ported the USB part from a H725 i have running. Where i have copied the init code from generated code.In USB_CoreReset() the USB_OTG_GESTCTL_CSRST bit is never reset and hence a timeout occurs....
I am trying to run a debug session with the built application which is built upon the secure bootloader. Note: All security mechanisms are disabled for debugging purposes.The issue seems to be the combined elf file. Loading this using a debugger, the...