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Failed to execute MI Command

Associate II


I  have made my own board using STM32F103RBT. I am trying to run a demo code on it using ST Link V2. When I first connected the board  I was able to connect to the controller after downloading ST Link Server 2.1.1 and dump a code, but when I am trying to dump it 2nd time I am getting an error of Device not found.

Error in final launch sequence:


Failed to start GDB server

Failed to start GDB server

Error in initializing ST-LINK device.

Reason: (4) No device found on target.


I am attaching pic of my MCU Schematic



Associate III

The error may occur due to the wrong boot mode being set.  BOOT0 = 0 and BOOT1 = 0 should be selected for normal Flash boot. If BOOT0 is floating or incorrectly set to 1, the MCU might boot into System Memory mode instead of executing your flashed program.

Use STM32CubeProgrammer to check if the MCU is detected. 

If it detects but you cannot flash, do a mass erase. If not detected, check hardware connections, NRST, and BOOT pins.