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STM32CubeProgrammer UART Verification Fails on STM32H7

Hello,I am using stm32cubeprogrammer 2.7.0 for Mac ( I am on Big Sir)When programming a STM32H7 using UART I get the following error: I don't seem to get the error on my stm32f4. Any Ideas/Fixes that would enable this to work? I am embedding the CLI ...

TCash.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! Screwing Nucleo F767ZI

Hello community ! I hope you are doing well,I have actually a question which is kind of "DIY" and is not MCU developpment related. I have Nucleo F767ZI, and I need to get it screwed to a plexiglas board. I didn't find out whether the holes next to ar...

WBen .2 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F437IIH6 ECC and NAND Flash size

Hello.1. Whether the hardware ECC for STM32F437IIH6 support error detection and error correction? STM32F437 is connect to NAND Flash through FMC with Bank2. Reference manual RM0090 section 37.6.6 describe it can perform 1-bit error correction and 2-b...

WLiao.1 by Associate II
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STM32L4R5 UART DTR/DSR hardware connection

Hi, I'm trying to connect my bluetooth IC Ublox ANNA-B112 to STM32L4R5 using USART line. The bluetooth IC requires DTR and DSR line but it doesn't seems like STM32 has these 2 lines on the manual. Is there any ways to implement DTR and DSR on STM32?

CYeow.1 by Associate II
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Timers break and clear behavior in general

Hello. I can't fully understand break and clear funtionality of timers on STM32. In read dasheets and tryed various options for break and clear inputs, but in general it worked in a similar way:It puts timer output to predefined state untill it overf...

EAlek.11 by Associate II
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How to synchronize multiple microcontrollers

I have multiple devices with stm32L5 mcu playing led animations and connected via RS-485. However, when I send a command via RS-485 to start led animations, they become asynchronous. I want to use an mcu clock as reference and send it to all others m...