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Resolved! ST-link loses connection with my STM32F769I discovery board

Using STM32CubeProgrammer to connect to my discovery board. Connection to the board via ST-Link is lost within 30 seconds every time.things I have done:1.) Performed "full chip erase" via the STM32CubeProgrammer application2.) Selected the appropri...

bsayl by Associate II
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Resolved! Writing BMp file to SD Card

Hello, I am trying to write a camera image to an SD card.I am able to write and read bmp file from PC for 160x120 sized image. However I can not read bmp file from PC for 320x240 sized image. I used below file header format. Every thing is the same e...

STM32H747 LDO power config

I'm trying to configure my custom board to only use the internal LDO, bypassing the need for the SMPS. In fact, my board doesn't even have the SMPS components. Is this allowed? The user manual seems to suggests that we can exclude the SMPS circuit ho...

TAtte.1 by Associate II
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Hello! I am working on a project using the STM32H747 dualcore. The M4 core is responsible among other tasks for sampling a fairly quick digital signal (5-10 Mhz). I am looking for a hardware interface on the H7 that will allow me to sample this signal.

the sampling logic and countig is not very standard:1)     If A = rising edge and B = 0, counter++2)     If A = falling edge and B = 1, counter++3)     If B = rising edge and A = 1, counter++4)     If B = falling edge and A = 0, counter++5)     If A ...

yuri CH by Senior
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RXNE Flag of STM32F302R8 is never SET

Hi, I have a problem where my SPI SR RXNE in STM32F302R8 is never SET, causing my program always halt in while loop, waiting the RXNE status to become SET, when receive I set the RXNE flag is below:#define SPI_SR_RXNE 0#define SPI_RXNE_FLAG...

WM_IR by Senior
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Hai..., I am using STM32F746IGT custom boar QUADSPI W25Q128A and custom External Loader CLIVEONE "Stldr" file for PF7,PB6,PB2,PF9,PF8,PF6 PIn configuration , When i go to Debug mode geting error.

Erasing memory corresponding to segment 0:Erasing internal memory sectors [0 4]Error: failed to erase memoryError: failed to erase memoryEncountered Error when opening C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.6.0\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\

GMano.1 by Associate II
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Can't start first code with NUCLEO-H755ZI-Q

I bought a new NUCLEO-H755ZI-Q board. It's my first STM32. I use MXCube to create a new project for MDK-ARM. I tried both STM32H755ZI and Nucleo-H755ZU-Q. And I enter my code in Application/User/CM7/Core/main.c . Between line 163 "/* USER CODE BEGIN ...

JZhan.15 by Associate
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Resolved! In input capture function , i am trying to interface HC-sr04 Ultrasonic sensor to STM32F401. I am giving input to TRIG pin with 10 micro seconds ON and Need to Measure Pulse from ECHO pin of the Sensor and not getting Exact Width.

The Pulse width value of the waveform in input capture is not matching with orginal Pulse from sensor output .Please help.#include<NEW.h>#include<stdio.h>#include<stdarg.h>void Ultra_setting();void delay(int val);void Tim3_Capture();void Uart1_config...

0693W00000AMQ1dQAH.png 0693W00000AMQ1YQAX.png
Nchun.1 by Senior
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