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Forum Posts

Datasheat vs .stm32h745xx.h

I am trying to debug my USB and in the process I am going through all the registers defined in the datasheet vs stm32h745xx.h file and I see that in some cases the .h file has registers defined that is not in the datasheetGUSBCFG_CTXPKT : in .h but n...

LHoug.1 by Associate II
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My potentiometer in a adc led counter doesnt work

Im trying to do an ADC led counter, but when i debug my program i see the live expression and i can watch the changes in the potentiometer, but D10,D9,D8 AND D7 are on but with 1.8v, and d5,d4,d3,d2 turn on with 3.3v, the main idea is that when i rot...

ALope.6 by Associate
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Resolved! Is sprintf() supposed to support uint64_t numbers?

This compiles with no warnings or errors: char buf[256];uint64_t bignum = 0x123456789;sprintf(buf,"bignum: 0x%016llx, %llu\r\n",bignum,bignum);HAL_UART_Transmit_DMA(&huart1,(uint8_t *)buf, strlen(buf));This comes out the terminal:bignum: 0x0000000000...

KiptonM by Lead
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