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Hi,I found that TIMx_RCR functionality reversed w.r.t timer counter started from F103 to L475 as per the article. Here, I just want to know whether this bug is in the manual or is it reversed when comparing F103 to L475.Please find below two screensh...
Hi,I have a project which is based on the STM32L475RC and now I want to upgrade to the STM32L475RE controller. I have changed the device from STM32L475RC to STM32L475RE in options for the target of the Keil environment. But the new project based on t...
I am using the timer interrupt and currently, it has priority 3 once I get into the ISR then I want to change the priority to 2. I have used like below but the priority not changing.NVIC->IPR[6] |= NVIC_IPR6_PRI_25 & 0x22222222;__dsb(0);In above, __d...
Here below is the detail of my application.I am running the PWM timer1 at 5Khz in up-down mode. Two interrupts, one in timer counter equal to zero and ADC fast conversion done.Interrupt generates at every timer counter equal to zero then I start the ...
Hi, There is a feature provided by ST in the L475 controller that Modbus/RTU communication using USART. Can we ignore the USART RX interrupt as the end of block detection interrupt provided by this feature to collect the data?Is this block detection ...
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