I have entered the following in MX and do not see the crystal frequency on PA2....what else do I need to do here?
I have entered the following in MX and do not see the crystal frequency on PA2....what else do I need to do here?
Hello, I would like to trigger a ADC conversion using a Timer and store the value using DMA. There are several examples online on how to do this but the common denomination in all the examples is that the ADC trigger is set to "Timer x Trigger out ev...
Hi Team,I have configured Timer 2 to capture HALL sensor dataTimer 2 configurationstatic void MX_TIM2_Init(void){ /* USER CODE BEGIN TIM2_Init 0 */ /* USER CODE END TIM2_Init 0 */ TIM_ClockConfigTypeDef sClockSourceConfig = {0}; TIM_HallSensor_InitTy...
Hello,I jsut heard a roumor that the STM32F103 was issued end of life. Is this true or is it false info because there is a current shortage in the wafers? Does anyone have reliable information?Thanks!
SetupI have an STM32L151 mcu(application processor) and on its PB5 pin I have a peripheral (SARA-N3) connected. The requirements for the peripheral are that the pin is configured as an open drain output and is only used to pull it down for 1 second. ...
How to use the hardware CORDIC of STM32G4 to solve the natural logarithm? Are there any examples?