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Resolved! STM32L4 External clock sharing

Hello, I am using an external crystal to generate the system clock for STM32L431CCT6.How can this be shared with the rest of the devices like interface controllers. The goal is to implement Quad-SPI interface. For the purpose CAN controller MCP2515-...

TBoya.1 by Associate
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Resolved! Board: STM32G474E EVAL /using Demo-STM32G474E EVAL EWARM project IAR/ issue with reading BMP file from SD card and displaying on LCD. While I try displaying the image on Lcd I get "Error Popup resource file missing please update sd card content".

I checked sd card contents and it got the required files with right permissions and formatting. I tried debugging and kStorage_OpenFileDrawPixel() used for checking the file and printing on LCD returns kstorage_ERROR_OPEN. This is demo project with...

Rrn.3 by Associate
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Is 700 kb/s a normal datarate for USB in device mode ?

Hi,I am working with an STM32L476RCT6. On STM32CubeMX, in "Connectivity", I make use of the "USB_OTG_FS" functionnality and I have choosen the "Device_only" mode. In "Middleware", I use the "USB_DEVICE" in "Communication Device Class (Virtual Port Co...

VGava by Associate II
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DMA line output is one more cycle than expected

Hi,I'm trying to control multiple PWM signals simultanously using DMA (used for controlling LED drivers). However I'm having an issue I can't seem to trace, one of the lines puts out an additional PWM signal cycle that shouldn't be there, this is wei...

MDrac.1 by Associate III
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Verification failed

Hi,I wrote an external loader and tested for writing , erasing sector, erasing chip, reading, using "\testbinary1M.bin". But it failed in verification. What could be the reason? EDIT: I'm checkin what's going on by a logıc analyzer. I'm not using qua...

Ezgi by Senior
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Maintain Codes After Power Off

Hello,I developed a custom-designed system with an STM32F767 microprocessor and controlled its parameters with a user interface through a Bluetooth module. When I power off then power on the system, I couldn't communicate with the circuit board. Is t...

AE104 by Senior
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STM32F4 SPI code only works in debug mode

Hi I am trying to read ID of an external FLASH.The code which reads it is shown below.uint16_t FLASH_ReadID(void) { uint16_t tempData = 0x0000;   //Read ID GPIOB->BSRR |= GPIO_BSRR_BR2; //Reset FLASH CS while(!(SPI1->SR & SPI_SR_TXE)); SPI1->DR ...

LLOLO.1 by Associate II
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