I once again checked at Digikey and they had only one of those. Will the rest of them ever come backI would to like have STM32H76x 144 pin lgfp, but it is of no use if there are none available when I finish my PCB.
Hello everyone,this is my first post here, please my apologies if I mistake some terms since we jumped into the ST controller world in the company around 6 months ago and I am still learning about the technologies.I have been working so far on a proj...
Hi all,As stated above, I can't seem to wake up the controller from STOP2 mode using WFE with the ALARM A. Here's my alarm and EXTI settings:if(EXTI->PR1 & EXTI_PR1_PIF18) { EXTI->PR1 |= EXTI_PR1_PIF18; ///< Clear pending interrupt if necessary } EX...
I am developing an application for a STM32L412CB and use the comparator COMP1. I designed my pinout with CubeMX and put the output of the comparator on PB0. I also checked table 14 in the Datasheet Rev.8 on page 58, if it is correct. Now I wanted to ...
For one of the heterogenous application use case, we would like run always-on code in Cortex-M4 and high end application, we have two options. either run Cortex-M7 if se select STM32H7 device or Cortex-A7 if select STM32MP1 device. Assuming that both...
Hello!To MCU STM32h743 connected 16-bit SDRAM and 16-bit SRAM. Writin to SRAM uses four #WE cycles in conjunction with BLS0 and BLS1. When write 8 or 16 bits BLS# active only for one #WE cycle, when 32 bits - two cycle and four cycle for 64 bits. I c...
I have implemented dual virtual Com port with STM32f767. One of the port works good but another stops after sending two times. Does anyone have had the same issue before. ?
I wonder why the SDMMC peripheral is not working with two DMA channels one for RX and one for TX .... As stated as a workaround in the community, I configured one DMA channel for RX and TX for the SDMMC peripheral. However it doesnt work properly. As...