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Forum Posts

Using HSEM of STM32H7 ( sharing data )

Hi, I am working in project in which I use an STM32H745, So am trying to share data between the two CPUs.first I create structure in the two CPU like this :I used the same memory addressstruct shared_data { uint8_t drdyM4; float32_t data_to_M7[6][1...

Resolved! STM32L0 UART/LPUART wake from STOP MODE

Hi,I am using the MX Cube example in STM32Cube_FW_L0_V1.12.0\Projects\32L0538DISCOVERY\Examples\UART\LPUART_WakeUpFromStop.I have modified it to use the STM32L0538NUCLEO BSP and to use USART2.I had to add a HAL_SuspendTick in order to get into STOP m...

Hardfault in external library.

In project i use external library without source and result is hardfault . I test many combinantion optimize and other flags, nothing helps. _ZN2MI7Version25getVersionDetailsAsStringEPcj: 08002df0: push {r4, r5, r6, lr} 08002df2: ldr ...

MM..1 by Chief III
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How to reset STM32 when a hardfault is triggered?

Is there a way to programmatically reset my STM32 program back to the beginning like when pressing the Hardware Reset Button ? I would like to reset my program when a random hard-fault has occurred, if possible, i'd also like to store to flash the da...

Xxoyo.1 by Associate III
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uart3 can't receive entire data

Hi All​I used UART3 of STM32F429 to receive data(larger than 10K). If the baudrate is 230400,the RX can receive entire file; But If the baudrate was 460800 or 921600,I can't get the entire file(143111 of 143316 bytes). Anyone can help?Regards,

YChen.51 by Associate II
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Pin to pin STM32F030R8T6 and with bigger flash size?

For our old product, we use STM32F030R8T6 chip, it only has 64K flash, but now, we add some new function on the product, so the flash size can not meet our requirement, we want more big size of flash, but we do not want to change our PCB board. Is th...

Xwang.41 by Associate II
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Embedded ARM assembly compile error on STm32F4

Hello, I'm working on a library for nucleo F401RE board, with LL library, I'm trying to add some embedded ARM assembly code as written in the guide of arm Developer web site:__asm return-type function-name(parameter-list) { // ARM/Thumb/Thumb-...

CCont.1 by Associate II
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