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Hello,for determining the Stack-Utilization I fill it with 0xDADBEEF. If you have recommendations and other ideas, I’d like to know and looking forward to learn from others, how they approach the issues “Stacksize” and “Stackutilization”.Code for the...
Hello,because I use the Flash-EEPROM-Emulation (eeprom_emul) I need to connect to the microcontroller with the debugger without programming it.Where do I find the debugger-settings to connect to the target without flashing it, using the STM32CubeIDE ...
Hello,when I try to receive a CAN-Frame it is not received by the Microcontroller, it is within the range, I have no idea what the issue is.Thanks to everybody in advance, Best Regards, Seppel  void FDCAN_Config(FDCAN_HandleTypeDef *pHfdcan) {   ...
Hello,currently I'm transferring from a Nucleo to the target electronics(STM32G474RE3), but when I download the Code(verified successfully) and start it, the Processor is hanging when the Timer IRQ for the Debugger is enabled.Supply Voltage is ok, 3....
Hello,usually I have Nucleo's that I work with, but I also have an older Clone that I purchased a long time ago when the genuine ones were not available.I noticed that after a firmware-update within STM32CubeIDE 1.10.1 the Serialnumber is "odd" and i...
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