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Resolved! Unable to connect to STM32U5

Evening everyone,I am working on the board bring up of a custom board using an STM32U59GVJT6Q and I am unable to connect to the chip through CubeProgrammer with an STLINK-V3SET over SWD. I get the following error, "Error: No STM32 target found!...". ...

brohr01 by Associate III
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STM32F767ZI Nucleo LED Blink Not working

Hello, I am getting started with the STM32F767ZI Nucleo board, and I am trying to do something pretty basic -- blinking some of the LEDs. I have the F7 ioc setup as default, and I am trying to run the HAL_GPIO_TogglePin in the main while loop. When I...

CChan.9 by Associate
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STM32G031: problem after firmware update with bootloader

I am using STM32G031 Series.The bootloader was performed by selecting the main flash memory among pattern 11. However, the firmware update continues no matter how many times you update it, but it does not seem to work after the process. Are there an...

Paul6_0-1727859638166.png Paul6_1-1727859684568.png
Paul6 by Associate II
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Resolved! NUCLEO-U083RC USB Device problem

Hello, i'm developing an application using STM32U083 where i need to use USB CDC class.  My demo is based on NUCLEO-U083RC board with STM32CubeIDE 1.15.1; i mounted an external USB-B connector on PA11/PA12 pins. I would like to use USB-X firmware sta...

STM32H753ZI Learning resources

I have a NUCLEO-H753ZI board that I want to work on, I previously have some experience with stm nucleo boards. I was looking for a youtube playlist or project walkthroughs tutorials to get familiarized with this board although I wasn't able to find a...

SysTick interrupt does not work

Using St Cube IDE 1.6.0, I create new project for STM32G491KE.When debugging the project I noticed that Systick interrupt is not getting called. Systick STK_VAL register is changing, and STL_CTRL register COUNTFLAG bit is set. Interrupt in stm32g4xx_...

TMark.14 by Associate III
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Voltage on uninitialised pins?

Hello,I'm developing a project using STM32G491RC MCU. It currently sits on a custom-made PCB supplied by a two stage buck power supply on-board.When the MCU was powered up using on-board power supply, I see voltages appearing on pins that are not eve...

Aqib by Associate
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Resolved! USB Host mode Configuration in stm32h503rbt6 controller

@hi all, I newly working in USB Host mode configuration in stm32h503rbt6 controller using Keil software(without Hall code),this isn't very easy for me, I can't understand, how to use this method.actually, this implementation is to communicate (stm32 ...

Mohan30 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32F103ZFH6 SPI3_SCK (PB3) Not working.

Hello! I am trying to enable SPI communication through the SPI3 interface on an STM32F103ZFH6. I am aware that pins PA15 and PB3 are used for JTAG and SWJ, but I have disabled both using:GPIO_PinRemapConfig(GPIO_Remap_SWJ_Disable, ENABLE); There is n...

Maigonis by Associate II
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