I am trying to create ADC using STM32F103C8. Software i am using are:a. STM32CubeMXb. Keil Vision -- V5c. Hercules to Monitor the Serial OutputClock Setting of STM is 72 Mhz and 12 Mhzfor ADCCode :-while (1) { /* USER CODE END WHILE */ HAL_ADC...
Hi,I'm trying to write and read to/from M24512-R EEPROM.Seems that everything is fine writing and reading because HAL return is HAL_OK, but allways I've reading 255 value.My code:int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ /* USER CODE END 1 */ ...
Hi,I'm trying to develop a program on a NUCLEO-L4R5ZI-P to write/read data from a S27K0641 (HYPERRAM) and S26K128 (HYPERFLASH). First I choosed to use only Indirect mode to access the memory. Is it the best option?Then, there are a lot of options ava...
Hey, Im learning my stm32f411e-disco and I am following a guy whos using a slightly different board (stm32f407 discovery or just stm32f4Disco) I cant find BSP for my board on Keil and I was wondering if i could use the STM32F4Discovery's BSP or not. ...
I want to programming & debugging STM32 F0 , F1, F4 series MCU wirelessly using ESP8266 wifi module.MCU connected to esp8266 wifi module through internet connection using UART bootloader.For debugging connect using remote GDB server IP & Port no...
fault but instead I got Precise Bus Fault with following stack frame :R0 = 28000134 R1 = 1 R2 = 40000000 R3 = 1 R12 = ae60cd5 LR = 80015b9 PC = 80015be PSR = 2100002c- FSR/FAR: CFSR = 8200 HFSR = 40000000 DFSR = 0 AFSR = 0 BFAR = 28000130By disassemb...
For MPU6050 i am using accelerometer range of +/-2g with sensitivity of 16384.For STM32F446RE board i am using I2C1 to interface with MPU6050 in standard mode with duty cycle as 50%. i am using PB6 as SCL and PB7 as SDA.Help me in getting my values i...
Hi everyone... I received a source code from another microcontroller STM32F401RBT6 where another developer was flashing and erasing the flash in this way .. int16_t FlashEraseApp(void) { HAL_StatusTypeDef res; FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef erase_init; ...