2021-10-11 07:12 AM
I am using stm32h743 controller and trying to port http webserver application which was working on stm32f7 platform. the application is using socket based apis. here i am generating the code using stm32cubeMX with STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.9.0 package. After generating the driver code for Tx and Rx i am observing that i am losing packets and getting out of sequence responses for the requested packet i.e. my application requests .png image from the application but no response and the expected response is coming on the next different request. i have seen many other posts and fixes but they are given for STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.5.0 / 1.6 package.
can somebody tell that the drivers are fixed in the 1.9 package or what needs to be done to resolve out of sequence packet issue. i couldn't port the existing driver from F7 platform as here txbuffer is used as no copy standard and many other changes are there.