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Forum Posts

Stm32F303CCT6 ADC scan bit

I'm sorry I can't find the right topic for my question so I put my question here.I want to know where is the Scan bit on STM32F303 register since I can't find it in the reference manual.I want to use regular scanconv mode for multi channel ADC.On STM...

DSmit.5 by Associate II
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Resolved! assignment discards volatile qualifier problem

I have a SPI Receive Interrupt function. where I have use *pRxBuffer as a volatile. But, I get the error of "assignment discards volatile qualifier". As attached in the figure below. How do I fix that line to make sure the warning will go away?

WM_IR by Senior
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STM32 Timer?

I'm just getting started with STM32, so I'll askI need to generate a 25ns pulse 75ns gap on one output and againOn the other the same, but shifted by 180 degrees, ie by 50nsIs it in the power of STM32 timers to do this?The whole is mainly the rising ...

GHerz.1 by Associate
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What would cause the RTC to become damaged or stop updating hrs, mins and secs (but not subseconds) on an STM32L082 within a Murata CMWX1ZZABZ-078?

I have two projects, both using HAL libraries in STM32CubeIDE 1.5.1.The first project simply initializes the RTC, using external 32kHz crystal, and then falls into a loop that reads the RTC every second. Using my debugger with a breakpoint, I can see...

BrianG by Associate II
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External OctoSPI flash and internal Flash

Hello everyone ; I am sorry for the basic question ; this is my first experience in external flash. we a re using kiel for develop our software . how can I set that some part of code to be located in the external falash ? and is it possibel to have m...