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Forum Posts

Pending and disabling of interrupts in STM32L431RCT6

I am using tim6 with a period of 140 ms. In another interrupt that has a priority greater than tim6, I am disabling the tim6 interrupt. But sometimes even after disabling that interrupt, tim6 update interrupt occurs and after that, a variable is corr...

STeja.1 by Associate II
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Two STM32L4 board I2C communication issue, Slave sending the data but master not receiving. can i transmit data from slave to master using this function ? HAL_I2C_Slave_Transmit(&hi2c3, (uint8_t *)Data, strlen(Data), I2C_TIMEOUT);

I have Configured one STM32 board as Master and another is a Slave . When the master send the data slave receiving its fine but when slave sends the data Master not receiving, Acknowledge i am not getting from the Slave when i use HAL_I2C_STATE_READY...

Ssiva.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! Suspecting document mistake in RM of STM32L475

In the attached image showing the description of the reference manual of stm32L475. Here, it is showing the EOC flag is set to clear by the SW. We can clear the flag but how can SW set the EOC flag. I am suspecting this as a bug in the document. Can ...

Harish1 by Associate III
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