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Resolved! Suspecting document mistake in RM of STM32L475

In the attached image showing the description of the reference manual of stm32L475. Here, it is showing the EOC flag is set to clear by the SW. We can clear the flag but how can SW set the EOC flag. I am suspecting this as a bug in the document. Can ...

Harish1 by Associate III
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Resolved! I2C found the wrong address (Actually 1 shifter version)

Hello Folks,I was doing my I2C example, and I realize that the STM board found an address with one left-shifted.I set my Arduino address as 70 -> 0x46 for hexadecimalvoid setup() { Wire.begin(0x46); // Wire communication begin }I connect my STM32F4...

SKAŞ.1 by Associate II
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Configuring HSE using CubeIDE on STM32H750

Using an STM32H750 part, I've lived with the slack tolerance of the HSI until coming to the UART where a speed of 9000 bps is experienced from a configured 9600 bps. This is too far out to be of any use at all and therefore have decided to put on an ...

NSR by Associate III
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Resolved! Weird data word size in OLED SPI

Hi!I'm using EA W162-XBLG OLED in SPI mode. Timing shown in datasheet is really weird. In instruction diagram there is 20 clock cycles, in data transmission 18. I try to get it to work with STM32F407VG, but I can only set 8 or 16 clock cycles. Maybe ...

bmak by Senior
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Resolved! Suspecting document mistake in STM32L475

In dual ADC mode, the bit DMAEN is invalid as the doc said but in the below screenshot it is describing that the DMACFG bit in ADCx_CCR is effective only when DMAEN = 1.Please see the below snippets from the document.  Need help from you whether I am...

0693W00000D0eqTQAR.png 0693W00000D0eqYQAR.png
Harish1 by Associate III
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