2021-11-08 5:58 AM
2021-11-08 6:27 AM
Have you seen examples on STM32CubeIDE ? In your workspace: New->STM32Projet. In the new windows clic on example selector, you can chose your device and you have a lot of examples.
Good luck :)
2021-11-08 7:26 AM
The STM3xx Reference Manual RM0316 is also a good starting point.
Cheers, Hal
2021-11-17 3:31 AM
Thank you @raptorhal2 , I implemented the opam. Howevee, it limits the the adc sampling rate. I need to sampling @ 5.142M samples /sec, but with the opam connected to the input of adc the maximum sampling rate is limited to approx 1M samples /sec. Pleas is it possible for me to sample at my required rate. Thank you
2021-11-17 8:41 AM
I presume you are trying to implement the internal Op Amp. The internal Op Amp delivers only 500 ua. If my arithmetic is correct, the Op Amp drive impedance then is about 7K ohms. In the data sheet ADC electrical properties section discussing RAIN, the sampling frequency limit vs source impedance is described.
At maximum ADC sampling frequency, you may need an external amplifier instead with more drive capability.
Cheers, Hal
2021-11-25 2:33 AM
Thank you @raptorhal2 , I am now using external amplifier.