+-10ºC Internal Temperature sensor oscillations :(
Hi im using a stm32f205retx (LQFP64)I am measuring 3 adc imputs + Vref + internal chip temp sensor.The temp sensor is the only one wildly oscillating.
Hi im using a stm32f205retx (LQFP64)I am measuring 3 adc imputs + Vref + internal chip temp sensor.The temp sensor is the only one wildly oscillating.
Hello ST community,I use a STM32F767ZI-Nucleo. There is a timer generating interrupts every 20ms. If a timer interrupt occurs I use HAL_SPI_Transmit_DMA to send some data. I monitor the return value of this function and after some time of sending wit...
Hi All I am trying to build a custom board (for the first time :)) using an STM32L053C8T6. The board will power an LED and do short burst measurements of its reflection off a strip (< 1s). I am trying to power up the board using a photovoltaic cell a...
Using STM32F746, I want to access Intel's 10AX032H2F35I2SG FPGA.During FMC Configuration, I do not know how to calculate and write the following parameters.I've seen the RM0385 documentation, but I don't know how to calculate it.I have to do it by to...
Hello everyone,Dev Board based on STM32L4R5I am just trying to erase and then write something on the internal FLASH.I am trying to follow the example: https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeL4/blob/master/Projects/NUCLEO-L4R5ZI/Examples/FLASH...
Hello,i am pretty new to this topic. I want to send simple data via CANFD from the stm32H/53AI to a PC. For that i have the CANFD-USB adapter from PEAK and to display the data i am using PCAN-View. I discovered the function and i put in the addresses...
Currently, it seems that the IDR of any port updates only when the IO is configured as an output and does not record the state when the IO is configured as an input. Here is two examples of simple code for each situation1) Both PC2 and PC15 is set as...
Hi!I have enabled encoder and input capture and only encoder works.The reason is that CCR3 and CCR4 is zero. HAL_TIM_ReadCapturedValueWhy does this happen? I have enabled NVIC for TIM4 and TIM19 and HAL_TIM_IC_CaptureCallback is called when the Input...
I designed a board for a client using the STM32F405RGT6. The first batch worked fine, but once the client ordered another batch of boards none of them worked. The used MCU has different markings. A quick image search in Google shows the style of mark...