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using stm32f051 disco+ lcd2004 I2C connection, Between 30min~3 hours after booting, lcd has no indication on the screen or letters, but the indication does not change (count No) Which part is good to look at? Is there any particular problem with lcd?

#include "i2c-lcd.h"   extern I2C_HandleTypeDef hi2c1; // change your handler here accordingly     #define SLAVE_ADDRESS_LCD 0x4E // change this according to ur setup       long ErrCnt_ERR=0;   long ErrCnt_Tout=0;   long ErrCnt_Busy=0;   HAL_St...

Kse.1 by Associate
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HELLO EVERYONEI run my micro in IAP Mode then load other program to him with uart1 . in this program I start UART with DMA and toggle one Pin . when the circuit start working , everything work well and pin is toggle but the UART DMA send out zero. V...

mika.1 by Associate II
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Hello again. I'm having this problem with I2C with the STM32F303RE.I have this array of data I want to send via I2C to a sensor.std::uint8_t conf_bytes[2] = {0xF4, 0x03}; periph::I2C::write_data(I2C1, BME_ADDR, 2U, conf_bytes); BME_ADDR is the addr...

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SystemClock Settings for STM32L0 mcu

HiI have my own board, with STM32L053C8T6TR. And I set clock and program failed here: while (LL_RCC_HSE_IsReady ()! = 1) {};void SystemClock_Config(void) {   LL_APB1_GRP1_EnableClock(LL_APB1_GRP1_PERIPH_PWR); // clock pro PWR controller LL_PW...


STM32F407VET6 recognized as Mass Storage Device

Hello, guys. Bought and STM32 board, tried to upload .hex file on it from ST-Link Utility, but when tried to connect board, received "No ST-LINK detected!". Checked in Device Manager - board appear as Mass Storage device(No ST-Link Debug, just storag...

YSukh.1 by Associate
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How to properly temporarily disable UART reception ?

Hello,we have UART based communication that cause crosstalk between RX and TX lines.It can't be fixed, so I'd like to solve it in SW.I'd like to temporarily disable/enable UART reception before/after sending on UART.I'm already putting DMA into Pause...

bully by Senior
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Resolved! How to generate 2 sync square signals with timers

I would appreciate if someone could provide me with some tips about how to accomplish this in an optimal way.I want to generate a square signal in one pin, and exactly the double in other, both must be synchronized.My first approach was to use one ti...

DAlvarez by Associate II
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