Resolved! Using STM32H7 Dual Core with Internal Oscillator Only
Hi All,I am interested to use STM32H7 Dual core for my project. To save component and space, May I use it without external oscillator?Thanks
Hi All,I am interested to use STM32H7 Dual core for my project. To save component and space, May I use it without external oscillator?Thanks
A'm using LL libraty. I need simple PWM output on PB1.TIM2 init related to CH1 and PA5 work.When I change setup to CH4 and PB1 pwm doesn't go to the pin.Both PA and PB ar clocked.Under debuger I checked MODER registers, AF_5 function is selected.Work...
My purpose is to send an "HELLO" using a NUCLEO-L4R5ZI-P board trough HYPERBUS.On the STM32CubeIDE, I configurated OCTOSPI1 peripherial and I/O associated./* USER CODE END Header */ /* Includes -------------------------------------------------------...
hi every one.I want to program an stm32f030 chip using stm32 flash loader. I know this programmer communicates with the boot program of the MCU. I used this programmer for a microcontroller of mine in a custom designed board (which has been programed...
Question for the Hardware-wise ones:When probing canH and canL with my isulated oscilloscope i get the following signal:different voltage levels inside the same frame??!.Notice how the ACKs are always higher voltage alsoIt doesnt happen always but ev...
#else static uint8_t l_datastoreStorage[2048]; #endif static uint32_t l_head = 0; static uint32_t l_tail = 0; void hal_datastore_init() { memset(l_datastoreStorage, 0, sizeof(l_datastoreStorage)); memset(l_datastoreStorage, 0, sizeof(l_datastor...
Hi there, I created a project with STM32F042G6 chip using CubeMX. I am interfacing this IC to another chip using SPI. When I set the SPI1 and try to send a command, just before sending a command I have SCLK, MOSI, and MISO levels are high. After send...
Hi I'm new to dual core programming. I need to share data from M7 core to M4 core and M4 core to M7 core. Can you please let me know the steps I need to start.?
I have hooked up a STM32H743ZI2 Nucleo board with a CAN tranceiver MCP2551 following the instructions kindly provided by mr. Hudak ( with the exception of replacing the second board with a USB-CAN-modu...