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I set up the VREFBUF (using CubeMx) to use the internal voltage reference, with a SCALE of 2.048V. When i probe the Vref pin i see a voltage of around 2.2-2.3V, it changes slightly after ever power reset. It is a custom board with a G061c8 micro. The...
Device: STM32G061 (custom board), system running at 8mhz.I set the vrefbuf mode to Internal voltage reference mode in cubemx. According Scale 0 the expected output on Vref pin should be 2.048V but the value i measured was always 0.2-0.3V greater than...
I am trying to measure the frequency of a square wave using TIM1 in direct input capture mode (STM32F3-DISCOVERY) . I can measure the frequency successfully , but i want to add an input prescaler, no matter what the value of prescalar i set i get the...
Is there a way to get this in STM32CubeIDE , specifically for names of the bits? There is a similar drop-down in CubeIDE but it only shows up when typing the name of a register.
I wrote this code to initialize ADC1. What Im trying to do is take input from a Joystick and map it accordingly and send a corresponding PWM output to a LED. RCC->CFGR |= RCC_CFGR2_ADCPRE12_DIV2; RCC->AHBENR |= RCC_AHBENR_ADC12EN; ...
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