I used the sram and got a 0.37 , Pretty sure this is not right. I use -O2 and hard-float, others remain default.Can any one tell me what should I do next?
I'm using a STM32H747 DISCO boad and I just want to use the M4 CPU. When start, the M7 configs the Clock and does nothing since then. There is only a simple case running on the M4 CPU. The case takes 200ms on M4 while it took only 20ms on a Risc-v@30...
Turns out I was using the AXISRAM implicitly allocated to M7. Now It is much faster. But The Dhrystone is 0.37 DMIPS/MHz, which is still not a good number for me. The CPU clock is 200Mhz and ahb is the same.