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Resolved! SPI Receive Only DMA

Hello,I am using an STM32F401 board and trying to read a sensor using DMA. The sensor is a receive only sensor, i have tested with block SPI if the sensor works and it does. I am trying to read the sensor via DMA as it must be implemented with multip...

STM32L051 halt on HAL_RCC_ClockConfig

Hello folks,I have an issue with STM32L051C8T6 - processor halt always on HAL_RCC_ClockConfig verification and have no idea where it's coming from.I made a simple blink project with only two lines of code as a new CubeIDE project (all defaults) with ...

DNiko.1 by Associate II
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Unable to retrieve data from STM 32 board using pyserial

In this code, when I use the temp command, I always get output as "No response received." That means my python CLI is not receiving any data from the STM 32 board. But when I run the same command on the screen terminal on my mac, I get the data. What...

Xx11 by Associate
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STM32G0 transition from Run Mode to LP Sleep Mode

Hello, the STM32G0 low-power state diagram (Figure 8 below) is in the ref. manual RM0444 on page 127.It shows that a direct transition from Run Mode to LP Sleep Mode is not possible.Questions:* Is there a simple method to transition from Run Mode to ...

Kmax18 by Senior II
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Resolved! OSPI skipping bytes

We have been using an STM32 U585 with additional external FLASH connected to OSPI1 and external PSRAM connected to OSPI2.  This is not on a dev kit, it is our own hardware.  The PSRAM is memory-mapped and is using the HyperBus protocol.  We have noti...

BDoon.1 by Associate III
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STM32C031C6 I2C error handling

I am using STM32C031C6 MCU connected to an NTAG5 IC via I²C. The MCU is configured as an I²C master transmitter and master receiver. Polling mode is used to transmit and receive data to/from the NTAG5.Below is the code I am using to write and read I²...

arti_0-1740444824068.png arti_1-1740445145026.png
arti by Associate
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Resolved! STM32H7S78 USB CoreReset timeout

Hey All, Similar issue to this previous topic,I'm running into a timeout error every time I try and call  USBx->GRSTCTL |= USB_OTG_GRSTCTL_CSRST from the USB_CoreReset function in the example code. It seems like the previous solution was to make sure...

halfordC by Associate II
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