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Hello,I would like to know the behavior of the BOOT0 pin on a factory fresh STM32G474 device. I'm wondering if I can use PB6 as a general input without causing side effects if the flash option register is at factory defaults. The reference manual sh...
Hello,I would like to know the process size used in the STM32G4xx. I understand the 'F4, L4 and G0 are 90 nm and the 'H7 is 40nm. My interest stems from an application in a high RF environment, where larger process size would seem to be more robust...
Hello,Can anyone provide a bit of clarity regarding ST's "Marketing Status" terminology? For example, in the STM32CubeMX MCU/MPU selector, I see the following entries for various 'H7 devices:"NA", "Proposal", "Evaluation", "Preview" & "Active". I p...
Hello,I'm hoping to get clarification on the dual-bank flash availability in STM32G47x parts with fewer than 512K of FLASH. The datasheets (DS12288 & DS12712) cover the B, C and E flash sizes. The first page refers to "up to 512KB Flash", yet there...
Long ago promised; twice deferred. Please update your community on this release! Thank you!Regards,Dave
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